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  • Description

    Tipsy Tabs. The Edible for Everyone.

    Enjoy a light dose of our proprietary blend of 11 hemp ingredients designed to take the edge off without overdoing it. Each Tab is scored for perfect dosing which allows you to find the exact level of Tipsy every time.

    Experience the ultimate tropical getaway with Tipsy Tabs. Savor the refreshing taste, picture yourself under the sun's warm rays, and shake off the stress of the day one cocktail-flavored tab at a time. The tabs are flavored like your favorite fruity cocktails: Strawberry Daiquiri, Pina Colada, Blue Hawaiian, Banana Breeze!

    Think of Tipsy Tabs as a vacation in your pocket. Folks like Tipsy Tabs to unwind and take the edge off, to consume less alcohol, to enhance their evening with alcohol, and as a functional asset to get you through a work day. This is an excellent tool in your toolbox. 

    1 Tipsy Tab = a perfect Pina Colada on a hot summer day

    2 Tipsy Tabs = a grande' Margarita on a Saturday afternoon

    3 Tipsy Tabs = a few rounds of shots with friends

    4 Tipsy Tabs = who knows... you tell us?

  • Ingredients

    Sorbitol, Flavoring Oil, Hemp Extract, Dicalcium Phosphate, Stevia Leaf Extract, Magnesium Stearate, Stearic Acid, Calcium Carbonate, Silicon Dioxide

  • How To Use

    Delivery Format: White and Red, Color-coded Functional Mints

    Suggested Dose: 1 Mint to start

    Activation Time: 15-30 min

    Peak Effect: 1 hour

    Duration of Effect: 4 hours +

Purchase Frequency

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Bring Back Canna-Tarts, Pls!

These are fine but the old version was better. D9 doesn't do much for me and I don't care for tropical flavors. I tried them because I loved the d8 and CBD canna-tarts (especially the mint diamonds!) and hoped this was similar. It's not, unfortunately.

Chris Doyle

This product is absolutely amazingly and has helped me to lose 50 pounds as well as quit drinking alcohol

These are great

What a fun product.

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